Rafaat Saba



Place & Date of Birth

16/12/1939, FIH – AL KHOURA / Lebanon

Nationality: Lebanese

Marital Status: Single

Fax / E-mail: 06/626040- 03/742472


1961 – 1962

Civil Engineering Work


1962 – 1967

Lebanese Government: Responsible for the execution of water supply systems and waste water systems in South Lebanon.



Liaison officer between the Lebanese Government and the Arab Committee for the tributaries of the Jordan River.



Member, Lebanese delegation to the conference on improving agriculture in the Mediterranean basin held in Italy.


1967 –1976

Lebanese Government: Responsible for the execution electricity and water projects in North Lebanon.


*Founding member of three NGO’s working in social and cultural fields.


1976 – 1980

General Manager of Al-Kneef establishment for all kinds of civil works, Saudi Arabia


1980 – 1990

General Manager for Al Rammah establishment for all kinds of civil works, Saudi Arabia


1990 – Present

Identifying and developing tourism and ecotourism projects and hiking trips in North Lebanon – Koura District / Lebanon



Founding member of the NGO’s Association for the protection of the environment and cultural heritage in the Koura district ( APEP)


1992- Present

Founding member and later President of the Lebanese Environment Forum which includes sixty NGO’s active in environmental protection.

One of the priorities of this forum is the promotion of an environmental development and the encouragement of reforestation and tourism projects especially eco-tourism projects, for Lebanese and foreign interested groups.

Environmental consultant for the president of the University of Balamand